Yesterday morning, I went and had a look at Metlink's edible garden in the city. So beautiful and colourful, and full of delicious fruit and veg. (There were lots of signs saying 'do not pick the produce' because it was very tempting.) The garden was part of the Melbourne Food and Wine festival (which I LOVE the illustrations and identity for by the way) The festival is nearly over and I'm kicking myself for not getting to any of the free events. There's just always some sort of festival going on in Melbourne, and I can't keep up!
Look how big this pumpkin was!
A french chef was doing a cupcake recipe demonstration. I got to try a cupcake!
There was a 'produce swap' area where people had brought fruit, veg and herbs from their gardens to exchange.
After that, we went to the Vic markets and bought lots of fruit and veg, and indoor plant, some olives and other deli treats, a couple of gingerbread men, and some rye bread.
It was a really hot day, and the markets were packed with people, and crazy store-holders yelling "ONE DOLLARRRRRRR KILO" It was pretty intense (and not the best place to be when you have a hangover) But we got some good bargains.
This is Andy's arrangement of our purchases he did when we got home. (We started doing silly things like this to avoid all the cleaning that we really have to do in the rest of the house)
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